Busting Excuses || Why you deserve a boudoir experience

Busting Excuses


When we aren’t comfortable with something or get nervous, it’s human nature to make excuses. I get that. I do that. But when it comes to loving ourselves or taking care of our wants, we do it too. Now, I get that life is busy, we have crazy work schedules, we’re on the go, ALL THE TIME, we’re the cook, the maid, the nanny, and the cab driver. When we get some free time, we think to ourselves, I should really spend this time with my significant other (and, yes! That’s important too!). We feel guilty if we do a little bit just for us. We also make excuses about our weight, our shape, or with our budget. I seriously understand all of these excuses, but hey, they’re just that, excuses. So, today’s blog post is about busting excuses and is here to remind you, that no matter the excuse, you CAN do it! You are 100% worthy of self love.


“I don’t have enough time for myself.”

It’s so important to remember that if you aren’t taking care of yourself mentally, you’re not going to be able to handle taking care of everyone else. I know you’ve read that somewhere, perhaps plastered it on your own social media, put it on a post it note so you see it when you look in the mirror. Saying it is easy, but it’s so much harder to actually do. I am the absolute worst at making sure I am giving myself mental health breaks, I am constantly thinking of my business, what I can do better, and the list of undone house chores and groceries that need done/bought.  It’s why I think it’s so important to share this with you all. I make the same excuses as above and sometimes  it takes my husband physically holding me still and telling me, “SLOW DOWN, give yourself a break, breath for a minute!”.

In my studio we make sure you are able to slow down and take that break, where you can love yourself for a few hours. This time is all about you. Think of all the energy you’ll save on a daily basis if you stop comparing yourself to others, or stop worrying about what other people will think of how you look. You get to see where your beauty really comes from and this lifts such a huge mental weight.

You need to take time for yourself, why not spend it in our studio having an amazing time, getting glammed up, and seeing yourself in a whole new way?

Excuse. Busted.

“I’m not where I want to be weight wise/I don’t fit the media’s idea of a sexy body.”

Did you know that the body type portrayed in advertising as the ideal is possessed naturally by only 5% of American females? ONLY FIVE PERCENT.

If you’ve looked on my website, you’d know I don’t give any fucks about ideal body weight, or even the average size of women in the United States. What you will notice is women of all shapes and sizes looking fucking fabulous in my gallery. You will also notice that I offer a client closet in sizes XS-6X, because all women are welcome in my studio. Because they’re all here to love themselves.

I’m going to say this one more time, for the people in the back, but WHY do you have to be a certain size to LOVE yourself? WHY do we strive to fit a strangers skewed idea of “the perfect body” to LOVE your own body? Why compare your body to another’s (that’s likely been photoshopped to look the way they do) when girl you’re a mother-fucking snowflake, unique to yourself.

You’ve got goals? You want to get healthy, do it! But don’t hate yourself the way you are in order to do that. We’re like butterflies. We change, we have stages, and each one of them are utterly fabulous. You should love yourself every step of the way. Be proud of where you are so that you can be proud of where you’re going. Have a boudoir shoot to celebrate where you are now, and then have one when you lose that 15 lbs to celebrate how far you’ve come!

Excuse. Busted.

“I’m not a sexy person, so this isn’t for me.”


This excuse is actually the EXACT reason you SHOULD do a boudoir shoot.

So often we lose touch with our feminine side when life becomes busy: kids, spouses, work, chores, you name it. It happens more than you think and it’s completely normal. You might think Becky down the street feels like a sex-bot 24/7. Yeah, no. She doesn’t. And stop comparing yourself to Becky anyway.

But, if you’ve lost this side, and you’re not sure where to start to get it back, let me help you. We can reignite this spark and slowly help feed your inner fire. I can show you  your hidden Siren. My boudoir sessions might also be responsible for a few new little kiddos out there in the world, so trust me when I say your spouse will appreciate it too.

Something else to remember is that you don’t HAVE to wear super sexy clothing/ lingerie. If lace and straps and thongs aren’t your thing of that it doesn’t fit your personality, ditch the norm. There are so many other outfit ideas for boudoir, from tank tops to knee high socks, to his favorite shirt, they all work. There’s also the option of full nude (implied nudity) as well. Nothing’s sexier than the skin you were born in. If you need ideas, I will gladly talk to you about them or you can come in and try on what I have in your size in the client closet.

Excuse. Busted.

“A boudoir shoot is an investment and I don’t have the money right now.”

Yes, a boudoir shoot IS an investment.

An investment in yourself.

You are investing in your confidence, your self-worth, and your mental health. Money is tight, and it’s hard to make splurges on ourself, we talked about that above, but to make it a little easier on you, we offer payment plans to help break up the costs of session and products. In order to book your shoot, there is a booking retainer – $400, but after that we can set up a payment plan to fit your needs so that we can get past this hurdle and start planning your luxury experience. If you have any questions about our payment plans you can reach us at [email protected]. Remember, we’re going to be busting excuses together and creating a more bad-ass you in the process.